SO if you know me in Real Life, or have pretty much ever read this blog , you'll already know that when I love something, I LOVE it. My face becomes all smile, I start talking very quickly, I go over the moon, I almost hit bystanders with wooden spoons... ;o) This happens with art, with music (particularly concerts... and bagpipes), with tv shows, with gardening, with bicycling... Some of my co-workers have even taken to texting me "BAGPIPES!!!" whenever they hear them somewhere- and even just that makes me incredibly happy (the idea that your enthusiasm has influenced someone even just enough for them to think of you when they hear an instrument they hate... its a pretty nice feeling)!
The odd side effect to all of this is that people often think I am a lot younger than I am- like somehow growing up means you are no longer supposed to find life entertaining (quick sidebar- a friend of mine recently remarked that from me 'entertaining' is the highest possible compliment. I'm not sure how I feel about the implications of that statement, but I cannot deny its accuracy). What rule is there that says that once you get to a certain age you shouldn't go on a midnight park-adventure? Or enjoy a concert? Or love riding your foot-brake bicycle? I refuse to admit that the un-enthusiastic people out there are unenthusiastic because they have nothing to be enthusiastic about. That would just be too sad. I prefer to think that they have things they love as much as I love bombing down the highway with Library Voices blaring (half in the back so I can turn it up louder), but that they are simply- for whatever reason- uncomfortable with other people knowing about it. Which I clearly do not understand.
But then I read this quote by Simon Pegg:
"Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. Being a geek is extremely liberating"And this one by John Green
"Nerds are allowed to be un-ironically enthusiastic about stuff... nerds are allowed to LOVE stuff, like jump up and down in the chair, can't control yourself, love it. When people call people nerds, mostly what they're saying is 'You like stuff' which is just not a good insult at all... like you are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human consciousness..."
And it all started to make sense... I am just a huge dork. Which is totally fine with me.
So this is my advice for a happy life: don't 'grow up', just become comfortable with being a nerd, and everything else will sort itself out.
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