Saturday, January 1, 2011


Q: What the Heck is this blog about?
A: MUSIC! Generally speaking I suppose, but more specifically about concerts, bands/artists I enjoy,
     why I like music and what I like about it!

Q: Where did you get the title A Mountain of Song?
A: Its a line from the Elliott BROOD tune Without Again

Q: Why are so many of the bands you talk about from Canada?
A: Because I'm from Canada! Also I kind of absolutely love Canadian Music...

Q: Do you like the band (insert band name here)?
A: Who knows! But I would certainly love it if you sent band-suggestions my way- then I can love
     them too!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin,

    I was just checking out your blog after you commented on mine and I thought I would ask (as I am asking most people I meet) if you would be interested in writing a quick review of your favourite Canadian album of all time for my site Let me know!

