Monday, May 7, 2012

Robots! at the Manx

Its nice having friends who like bands. Its nice going to shows with other people who know all the words and sing along at the top of their lungs (I'm lookin' at you Pruner). Its also nice having friends in bands. Its especially nice when you actually really like the band of friends, AND get to go see those bands with the aforementioned other enthusiastic friends! (did you follow all that? Cuz I'm not sure I did...)


Robots!EVERYWHERE!! at the Manx. Take deux.

This time around I rushed over after class, thinking I had missed Phil's set all together but was pleasantly surprised to find that everything was running late and I was just in time. Excellent. Got a pint, even more excellent. Sat down on the comfy Manx benches. Excellent again. Robots!EVERYWHERE!! ? Excellent, as always.

I'm getting to the point where I'm not even sure what to write about Phil's shows... He is so consistently entertaining that I feel I could almost copy-paste the first half of my review: "The songs are catchy and clever, the crowd heckles hilariously, Phil takes his shirt off, something wacky happens, the show was awesome, then we all went home. Oh Robots!EVERWHERE!! I enjoy you so" ... hmmmmm... lets give that a try this time. Except, of course, with an expansion on the "something wacky happens" part. Which was this:

Phil: "Alright so I want everyone to stand up. No seriously guys, stand up!" (everyone stands up) "Alright now you all need to get into pairs and come up front here. Guys, c'mon. seriously, It'll be good I promise! Get up here!" (starts calling out pairs of people) "Pruner! Erin! get up here! Ok, Ok now stand in your pairs. Now, we're all going to slow dance."

And then he starts playing Enrique Ilarius' Hero. It was epic. But wait, there's more.

Phil: "Ok, now guys, get down on one knee. Girls stick your hand out. Guys grab her hand. Ok now sing along with me!!!" which we all did.

Then more slow dancing again.

Seriously, how does he pull this shit off? With class, that's how. Class and a whole lot of sweatiness.

"The show was awesome, then we all went home. Oh Robots!EVERYWHERE!!, I enjoy you so"

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