Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What You Love Begets What You Love

My roommate has a great philosophy of home decorating: If you love everything in a room, it will all go together just because you love it all. And it works! It works for lots of reasons that I could pick apart and logic-ize, but I choose to focus on the less tangible reason for its utter success: Things you love love to be around other things you love. And not just in your abode, in life in general.

There are many things I adore. Not all things (though I realize it might seem that way after reading all these blogposts ;o) but there are certainly a few faithful go-to things which stay with me, which offer me solace and comfort and joy, things which define me. The colour turquoise, murder mysteries, existential artwork, beards, music, mapping (oh mapping…)- I could go on listing them off, but that would be a whole post in and of itself! The important bit is that many, if not most, of the things I adore have very little in common outside of the fact that I love them. Usually.

Every once in a while (or more often if I’m really paying attention) several of the things intersect, creating a fairly magical and incredibly satisfying moment of collusion. A moment when you can just feel one of those invisible puzzle pieces click into place. When the universe seems to be saying ‘Yeah, I know you exist, you thought I forgot about you but you were wrong!”

Sometimes its easily explained away- maybe you forgot that thing one was the original inspiration for your interest in thing two, maybe they both came from thing three, some long-lost original connection (maybe you saw a roller derby movie and wanted to go to roller derby and then just happened to be in a certain place at a certain time when there was an awesome roller derby double header happening)... But sometimes its two things that exist in different spheres, that came from different original universes who just suddenly decided to get together for a little party, just for you.

I recently started listening to Collider by Sam Roberts Band (there is a whole sidebar here about listening to a CD vs listening to a CD, but I’ll save that for another time- suffice it to say that the italicized version is more… involved ).  As often happens, the realization of which song was my favourite arrived via unending-in-head-singing (complete with skipped verses, messed up lyrics, and stuck-in-a-loop guitar solos). This usually also means that I have no idea of the title of said song  (despite spending days and days with it) and eventually results in the inevitable ‘Oh thats what its called!”

So I had that experience with this one- stuck in my head on repeat, driving my roommate crazy with my incessant whistling, keeping myself up at night until finally it was playing on the computer and I happened to glance at the ‘track playing’ bar.

Without a Map.

Now maybe I subconsciously knew there was some reference to mapping in the song (despite completely falsely singing any such references prior to my discovery of the title of the song), maybe I just like songs about maps because I love mapping, but I choose to believe that its just one of those things.

Nice one universe.

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